Declaration of accessibility


Digital accessibility declaration of the Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH.


Accessibility is important to us. That's why we strive to design our websites and applications to be accessible. We are constantly working on making our website accessible in accordance with the Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act Berlin (BIKTG Bln) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0).
This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the website

When was the accessibility declaration created or updated?

This declaration was created or last revised on 05/05/2021.
Compliance with the standards of digital accessibility design was checked by the web agency Werk21 GmbH. The check was automated by the web tool "Webhint". The tool checks accessibility according to WCAG.

How accessible is the website?

This website is partially accessible. The reason for this is, in particular, a disproportionate burden according to § 4 para. 3 of the BIKTG Bln due to the complexity and size of the website. We are currently working on the implementation and especially on the improvement of accessibility. Especially in the case of supplements and revisions, accessible design is always taken into account during the planning, development, tendering and procurement phases.

Which areas are not accessible?


Furthermore, the following contents are not accessible according to § 4 para. 4 of the BIKTG Bln:
PDF documents published before March 15, 2019
Content from third parties that is neither financed nor developed by Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH nor subject to its control
Currently, the offers on the website are not provided in plain language or sign language.

Who can you contact with comments or questions about digital accessibility?

You can provide us with your accessibility feedback using the email form for reporting inaccessible elements or by emailing barrierefrei [at] (barrierefrei[at]visitBerlin[dot]de).

Contacting Berlin State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility

You can contact the Berlin State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility for help or to enforce your accessibility rights if no satisfactory solution has been found after you have contacted us. More information and how to contact the State Commissioner you can find here